Mi Familia Vota Denounces Trump’s Plans To End Birthright Citizenship
Immigration, Press Release
December 10, 2024
CONTACT: Jess Ortiz, jessicao@mifamiliavota.org
Mi Familia Vota Denounces Trump’s Plans To End Birthright Citizenship
Trump promises to deport long-settled immigrants
Washington, D.C – President-Elect Donald Trump, in an interview with Meet the Press, promised to terminate birthright citizenship and deport millions of long-settled undocumented immigrants.
In response, Hector Sanchez Barba, President and CEO of Mi Familia Vota, released the following statement:
“Trump’s vows to end birthright citizenship and deport millions of American citizens and undocumented immigrants, is not just unconstitutional or reckless rhetoric but a direct threat that will result in a humanitarian and economic disaster regardless of the form it takes. Separating families, deporting US Citizen children, and causing unspeakable chaos to our economy and country is firmly stated in his agenda.
Trump and Republicans are not interested in solutions, they continue to play politics with the lives of our immigrant familias. We know this because if they really wanted to fix our broken immigration system they could come to the table and negotiate a legislative solution that would help solve this critically important issue.
Trump’s election is not a mandate for cruelty. Trump’s promise to deport more than 11 million people, including Dreamers, child care workers and farmworkers, will separate American families and devastate our economy. There’s a human and pocketbook cost to Trump’s plans. We know that during the pandemic it was the undocumented working in the fields who kept our country running, who kept all of us fed. According to the Migration Policy Institute: “The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the greater level of immigration expected between 2024 and 2034 will boost gross domestic product (GDP) by $8.9 trillion.” As our economy continues to recover, do we really want to turn our back on immigrants?
We reject his dangerous agenda and his continuous attempts to weaponize our lives for his political gain. Mi Familia Vota will fight to protect our comunidad and work tirelessly to ensure that immigrants know their rights and have the resources needed to defend themselves”
Mi Familia Votas mission is to build Latino power to advance our priorities through community activation and year-round investment in local infrastructure. Both organizations have operations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Texas, and expansion efforts are underway in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.